Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Style_Processor' does not have a method 'process_extended_icon' in /home/queensto/public_html/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php on line 19336

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About US

At Queenston Pharmacy, We’re here to help you

Our Story

Our mission is to ensure no person ever leaves our pharmacy unhappy. I promise that we will always go above and beyond to serve the needs of our clients

Queenston Pharmacy opened to the public in 2002, starting as a small pharmacy serving clients from the medical building, local seniors and other clients from the neighbourhood. The pharmacy has built and maintained an exceptional reputation over the years while serving clients from Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Burlington, Ancaster, Grimsby and all the surround cities. Our staff enjoys the diverse clientèle and dynamic nature of working in the store and all say there is never a dull moment.

Meet Our Team

Our Qualified & Experienced Team of Pharmacists

We started with only one pharmacist and one staff member. Queenston Pharmacy now employs 8 Pharmacists and 19 pharmacy assistants and 2 registered technicians. In a multicultural part of Ontario, our staff provides services in many languages. Besides English, our staff speak Arabic, Serbian, Urdu, Spanish, Gujarati, Punjabi, Hindi and Italian.